Declutter Your Home and Create the Space You Love!

Are you Drowning in Stuff And Wondering Where to Start?

Declutter Your Home in Manageable and Realistic Timeframes, Without the Overwhelm, or the Need to Purchase a Thousand Organising Products.

Get the On-Demand, Home Organising Online Course

As Seen On

Finally, A Way To Bring Some Calm and Function Into Your Home,
Without the Unrealistic Expectations of Making it Instagram-able!

Do you have a house full of Junk and “Boxes Of Doom” to declutter?


Have you watched all the videos, read all the blogs and books

…and bought all the storage containers, and still have a messy, disorganised home?

We’ve heard all the reasons why these solutions haven’t worked.


The WellSorted approach will break it down into manageable chunks and finally help you clear out that stuff once and for all!


Yes, there’s hope! Let us help you.

What Others Say About the WellSorted Method...​

My Family are Now on Board With Decluttering, and I'm Saving Myself Time...



My husband is much more prepared to just give things away because of the principles you cover… After I cleared out a lot (one day), he took five things out of the wardrobe to donate…. And because of your tips, the reorganisation of the kitchen has really helped my kids (who love baking), access things and keep things reasonably tidy.


Occasionally, I have to put things back but it’s a matter of 10 minutes straightening things, opposed to 3 hours of fixing.


I Watched Countless Shows, & Read Loads of Books on Decluttering. You Bought a Different Perspective to Stuff...


I’d purchased loads of books on decluttering, and watched countless shows on telly and YouTube….I think you brought some really well needed thinking to my situation… and I just thought “oh I didn’t even think of that”! You provided a different perspective



You introduced a reality, and practicality to organising. Some results (on shows etc) might look good but they can’t be implemented because of unique problems. So the solutions we created worked perfectly for my setting.  

I Feel Calm and Relaxed and Competent in Running the Household. I can Keep it Clean Too!


I’ve been able to have friends over for the first time ever since moving in… If we get asked to do social activities at short notice, I don’t feel like I’m being judged because now I don’t have stuff everywhere anymore.

I feel house proud and competent in running the household. I’m able to keep it clean as well. I just feel calm and relaxed. Visually to me, seeing it neat and tidy after so long is relaxing and I’m spending less time looking for things and having to tidy up all the time, because there’s just less stuff to get messy!

Make Real Progress With Our Decluttering and Organising Course

Mindful and Realistic Decluttering Strategies for a Calm and Functional Home

The WellSorted Home is a self-paced course that helps you gain confidence AND make progress, as you learn how to use the WellSorted Method to declutter and organise your home, and keep it that way!

Do You Feel Like This?

You Feel Like There's
Got to be a Better Way!

You’ve been decluttering for ages, but it still feels like there’s stuff everywhere… or you’re just shuffling things from one place to another. Others get their house organised, you feel like you’re missing the crucial information to have it work!

The Thought of Decluttering
Makes You Feel Sick!

You ‘ve tried decluttering in the past, but it’s like you didn’t because there seems to be more stuff there than before! The idea of decluttering makes you feel sick, and you’d rather do anything but look through the ‘box of doom’.

You Don't Know Where To Start and You Feel Overwhelmed.

When you DO get a surge of confidence to try decluttering, you get paralysed by overwhelm. You’re not sure where to start! There’s so much to do, and it’s too hard to figure out the starting point, so you end up doing nothing.

Some Other Newly Organised Women Said:

I now feel I can invite people over and not feel embarrassed or stressed.


Before I worked with Virginia, I had an overwhelming, sickening feeling, knowing I needed to declutter, but not having the skills or knowledge of how to do it. It was always something I put in the “too hard” or “procrastination baskets” but always felt like my life wasn’t in order. It was way too overwhelming for me to tackle the job alone.


Since decluttering with Virginia, I feel rejuvenated and proud and lighter! 


Organisation is a must in everyone’s life and having someone help me through it together was wonderful and made it less of a burden.


It’s a great feeling to walk into a tidy home knowing where everything is and that drawers and cupboards are not stuffed to overflowing. I now feel I can invite people over and not feel embarrassed or stressed.

The relief I felt after working with WellSorted was amazing, I was able to sleep well again.


I’m a PhD student with a small business and many other projects on the go (like moving overseas!). I knew I needed moral support from a professional as I’d made several attempts to get organised with the help of family and it didn’t work.


The relief I felt after working with WellSorted was amazing, I was able to sleep well again. It was a feeling of completing something really big. It was a big milestone in my PhD life to have an organised office.


I really liked your approach, calm & non-judgmental, just what I needed to tackle this massive task. You gave me peace of mind. Your help was worth every penny and that’s saying something as my standards for service are really high. 

I feel so empowered to continue with my other tasks, that I’ve started on them already so I’m moving in the right direction now. I’d happily use you again or refer you onto others.

Virginia's services were an excellent investment, solving a problem that's been hanging over my head for several years.


I wanted someone to “coach” me through getting rid of superfluous and redundant clutter that was having a psychological effect on my mental clarity.


Decluttering created more physical space as well as “psychological” space. It really felt like a weight had lifted when I got rid of stuff from previous work roles and relationships. It was a good opportunity to move on & literally leave the past behind. It felt freeing


The sense of relief I feel when I look at the open space the decluttering created is well worth the time and money I invested.


Being coached through the psychology of decluttering by Virginia gave me the confidence  to work out quickly what I wanted to keep and I what I didn’t. I’m very grateful, and have recommended Virginia to many.

Some of the Reasons You'll Love the Course is Because You'll Get:

Here's What Another WellSorted Client Had to Say...

There's a lot less panic and much more fun at home now. 
I'm really enjoying it. The pressure of clutter wasn't obvious until it disappeared.


The house makes much more sense now. (Since Decluttering with WellSorted). Now it’s easy to do things and the space feels calm. Cleaning up is easy as there are clear surfaces and proper places for things. Best of all, areas stay clean. No more mail dumped on the table, as I have a proper system in place now for paperwork.

Before I decluttered with Virginia, I spent a lot of time looking for things, and replacing items I knew I had! I also avoided having guests over wherever possible. It was like a deadweight or a shameful secret. I worried I was going to throw away something irreplaceable and sentimental. We set up a Memory Box, and I placed special things in there while decluttering. It made me feel much more comfortable about the process.

My newfound organisation has meant that I get to be at my daughter’s important events, like school assemblies. It’s all marked out in advance.

I’m also now mindful of reducing the amount coming in. I regularly donate clothes and have changed my bills to electronic formats.

When You Join the WellSorted Home Course You Get...
Over $12,750 VALUE!


VALUE: $10,000+

The Course

Includes a library of video and written content full of tips to declutter and organise your space, so you’ll have all of the answers to your questions at your fingertips. In this course, experienced Professional Organiser Virginia Wells has curated the best of the best decluttering tips you could need to declutter your home successfully – all delivered conveniently through your own online platformNo need to pay $10k+ to have an Organiser by your side to declutter and organise your home!


VALUE: $2,500

Templates, Journalling sheets & Supporting Guides

To step you through understanding your goals, vision & habits – helping to keep you motivated and accountable. Organising flowcharts & shopping guides, to help you decide on what to cull and how to minimise the influx of stuff entering your home. There’s even guides on where to store your belongings, so you’ll never need to wonder ‘Where do I put this?’ again… and more.  VALUE: $2,500


VALUE: $250

Printable Labels Galore

To guide you through the method, labels to set up your decluttering station, so you have a consistent place to put things that are exiting the home, and bonus decluttering toy room labels. Value: $250


VALUE: Priceless

It's All Self-Paced!

So you can organise any time you like, and have access to the content 24/7 forever! Plus you’ll get tips on how to get motivated, where to start, and how to actually declutter, so you don’t need to feel overwhelmed with any of this again. VALUE: Priceless

PLUS, When You Join You'll Also Receive
$5,000 Worth of Bonus Gifts!


VALUE: $2,000

Ten Weeks of Support From a Professional Organiser

Weekly LIVE info sessions over zoom (recorded). An opportunity to hear first-hand the course material, and learn the skills you need to successfully declutter your home (accountability to step your way through the course). 


VALUE: $1,000

X4 90-Minute LIVE (Zoom) Sessions

Plenty of opportunities to ask your specific questions. I’m rarely LIVE in the course, so this is a chance to ask your questions for no extra cost.


VALUE: $1,500

Deal With Your Paperwork Masterclass

Never get “stuck” feeling unsure how to handle your paperwork again! Receive Bonus Access to the 1-hour webinar about how to process the pile of papers on your desk, and how to finally have them dealt with. Discover the system for the papers lying around on your desk, as a reminder… still needing your attention, (Yes there is a way)! Learn how to stay on top of the associated tasks too.

This Masterclass is filled with all of this and any other paper related stuff in your house. A 1 hour session with me begins at $500 a session. This concise, full Masterclass would be like having several decluttering sessions with me, saving you $1000s!


VALUE: $500

Six Steps to Creating Your Ultimate Wardrobe Ebook

Written in Partnership with the fabulous stylist Fiona Keary from Style Liberation, we bring you all the tips to declutter your wardrobe, get clearer on what suits you style wise, and how to organise it once you’ve settled on what deserves a spot in your newly curated wardrobe.

Sessions with Fiona and Virginia covering this content would cost you $1,000s. It’s yours as a bonus.


VALUE: Priceless!

Discounts on Products In The WellSorted Home Shop

Discounts on products in the WellSorted Home Shop products like the WellSorted Decluttering Card Decks that help you decide where to start, and what to do! 

That's a Total of $17,750 in Value!
But You Won't Even Have to Pay Half That ($8,875).
You Can Get It ALL For Just One Payment of $497.


Thats a total of over $17,750 in VALUE

For Just 1 Payment of $497 Today

PLUS You've Got Peace of Mind With Our "No Risk"

This is a 100% Risk Free Investment for you!

If you complete the course, and didn’t make any progress in decluttering and organising your home, let us know within 14 days and you’ll get a 100% no-questions-asked refund.

What Is It Costing You By Not Decluttering Your Home?

Having lots of stuff in your home leaves you feeling overwhelmed, stressed out and stuck. Having to clean around, move, and think about ALL. THE. THINGS. can cost you a lot of time, headspace and physical space.

It could also be costing you, your sanity, health, physical and mental space or your relationships... Or a combination of all of these.

Let's Change That!

Here is what the WellSorted Home Course Participants said:

This has been so helpful. My long distance partner has even noticed a change. I think it can even help me help family members in the future.

Create Order to Support YOUR Life and Family

Just Like These WellSorted Home Course Participants!

So many things were great about this course!

I liked the various examples of how-to, and what things can look like as we progress through the process (not just insta-perfect), as I’m a long way from having a perfect home. I also loved the range of suggestions of how to move things on, particularly recycling and donation options – I wasn’t aware of many of these so this has been a huge help.

And the templates are great – so I don’t have to do the initial thinking about how to set one up, but can find out what works for me and make changes if I want.

Overall, I thought the content was great!

Certainly I’ve progressed immeasurably! I still have several areas that need de-cluttering, but I’m now finding it a bit easier and a lot less overwhelming than before. I’m taking deep breaths before throwing something – rather than the feelings of indecisiveness or anxiety stopping me from doing so. 

I’m able to clearly think about what I have, and I’ve found so many things that I want to use now rather than “for good” or for “special occasions” which is so much fun and pleasurable!

This Course is Perfect For You If You Want:

Other Than A Tidy Organised Home
What You'll ALSO Get Is:


Thats a total of over $17,750 in VALUE

For Just 1 Payment of $497 Today


Will the WellSorted Home Course Work For ME?

If you've read this far, then I know that you're serious about getting your home organised. But there could be a few thoughts running through your mind. And since you've got this far, it's time I let you know that I'm pretty direct - with LOVE! So, let's look at some of the concerns I know you might have...

“I’m So Busy, and Have So Many Commitments. I Don’t Have Time Or Energy For Another Course….”

I get it. We’re all busy and we all have plenty of commitments. Whether it’s family, ageing parents, health issues. Or simply, the day-to-day running of your life. But if you do nothing, nothing is likely to change. “Time passes, whether you do anything or not.”


I often think about a busy mum, Rosemary a Senior Manager in the Public Service, with an active family of four. Rosemary amazes me with how she embraced the WellSorted philosophies, method and mindset, implemented it and saves herself so much time and energy despite the demands on her time from many directions.


Rosemary got crystal clear on the Vision she holds for herself, her home and her family and as a result she’s actually created time for her and her family. There are many studies out there showing the links between clutter and our mental health, and ability to focus. If you’re feeling like you have too much to do, and are overwhelmed… decluttering will help you get some focus back. Some clarity… and make you feel less stressed. The studies prove it. Just Google it.


“I’m Just Too Overwhelmed, I Don’t Know Where To Start.” 

That’s ok, The course helps you figure out where to start in your home. It’s unique to each person actually. There’s worksheets to work through to help you find your start spot!

As for the overwhelm, it will subside as you work through the course as it steps you through the process, and grow your confidence.  The course was created after working with busy women in their homes for over a decade. I figured out where people were getting stuck, and put all of my learnings over that ten years into this course. If you follow the guidance, and implement it into your declutter sessions, you’ll have success! The whole point of this course is being mindful of what is causing your overwhelm, and creating manageable tasks to have wins. 


“How Is The WellSorted Course Different From Another Organising Course?”

There are thousands of organising books, videos and courses out there. I’m not here to poo poo all of those. I, (Virginia) from WellSorted have been in the Professional Organising industry for over 10 years and have tried ALL.THE.THINGS and figured out that this is the most successful way to declutter. This course condenses all of the good ideas, processes, systems, habit shifts and methods so you don’t have to.


When you think about it, you’re not just getting the course materials, but you’re getting a process on how to declutter your home, you’re getting insights on how to work your way through the stuff and make decisions on them. You’re getting skills that you can use for the rest of your life and apply in all areas of your home, work and life. You’re getting tips on how to manage your time better, and approaches to getting through your unfinished project list, never ending task list and figuring out how to prioritise all those things. 


“I’m Too Young / Too Old / Too Inexperienced! I Should Have It All Worked Out By Now!”

Don’t you love that little voice in your head? You know, the one that just said “I’m not a voice” or… “what’s she talking about, I don’t have a voice in my head”.  Here’s the truth. We are where we are. We can’t do anything about what has got us to this point. But of course, we CAN do something about where we’re going. One small change today can make a significant change to our outcome or where we end up.


Whether you think you should know it all or whether you think you know too little – you’re in the perfect place. I know, you’ve heard that before. But the truth is – I BELIEVE it. I really do. Over the last 25 years, I have seen women time and again achieve results that they previously thought not possible for them. Some results were massive, some not so huge, but all of them meaningful and vital.

Ask that little voice in your head to take a rest. Thank it for everything it contributes to you and then… take control.

With a little dedication and commitment, you will get a return on your investment MANY times over.

My Story...

Before we go any further, you probably want to know a little more about me, Virginia Wells, Founder of WellSorted and this course! Am I the right person to help you? I’ve been a professional organiser since 2013, but let’s be honest, I’ve been annoying my friends since childhood to organise and declutter their wardrobes and bedrooms!

As your professional organiser, I’ve got the qualifications, registrations, and experience to support you.

Over the last 10+ years, I’ve worked in a range of jobs where I’ve organised, decluttered, and created processes for other people and businesses. I’ve done specialist training to work with people who suffer from hoarding disorder, ADHD and chronic disorganisation. I also have attended many courses on mindfulness and meditation practises. I have a Working with Vulnerable People Card and I’ve had a lot of experience working with NDIS participants.

My professional memberships include the Institute of Professional Organisers (IOPO) and the Institute for Challenging Disorganization (ICD). I’ve also studied a Bachelor of Science (Psychology). I’m also a Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) Tapping Practitioner able to help you let go of your beliefs around your clutter.

But more than my professional background, what really matters is whether we connect on a personal level. So here’s what you really need to know about me:


Your approach and your help have been a KEYSTONE in transforming this part of my life and therefore my feelings about capabilities!


Hey lovely Virginia! I’d like to share some exciting news… I paid a deposit on an apartment! Thank you for your contribution to me feeling in charge of my affairs enough to take this step now. Your approach and your help have been a KEYSTONE in transforming this part of my life, and therefore my feelings about capabilities! 

Further, You’ve inspired change for my mum, who faced the same challenges… this is a huge gift to both mum and my family – mum gets to enjoy it and when she passes, we will all benefit from her affairs being sorted by herself for herself. I am giving you a huge, huge thanks. You deserve it.


Thats a total of over $18,750 in VALUE7

For Just 1 Payment of $497 Today

Frequently Asked Questions

That is ok, you have 14 days from when you sign up to let us know. If you’ve implemented the courses content, and haven’t made any positive changes to your space (or learnt anything useful within that time), we are happy to give you your money back.

Yes, if you haven’t learnt anything useful within 14 days, we are happy to give you your money back.

No you don’t need to be a beginner.  This program was designed for people at any stage of their decluttering and organising journey. Whether you’re a beginner, or you’ve tried lots of different things… or even consider yourself a minimalist but looking for additional tips – this course is for you. It covers philosophies and approaches to decluttering that are simple, functional and realistic.

This course will provide you with foundational methods and tools, that WellSorted would cover in face-to-face or Zoom sessions, and would save you a lot of time and money to work through initially. If courses aren’t you’re thing (only you’d know that), then of course you can get this information within sessions instead.

WellSorted’s Zoom and Face-to-face sessions are booked out at least 3 months in advance, sometimes more. It gives you a chance to get started, and be prepared for sessions, and gives you concepts to reflect on. At this stage, the course is not a pre-requisite to work with WellSorted, but it may be in the future.

WellSorted has worked with several NDIS participants, and believe this course can be billed under training or potentially aids and supports. Check with your coordinators or plan managers, or get in touch and WellSorted can liaise with them to sort it out. Just email me at

This course isn’t a standard decluttering course where we walk you through each room and their items, and tell you how to organise them.  I have card decks I sell that do that! And this might be something I do for a future course. This course is teaching you HOW to do it successfully, and you can apply it to the area you need help with. It gives you the answers you need to get started, a process that you can use anywhere in the home, and the tricks to help you let go of the stuff.  Once you have these tools, you’ll be able to declutter any area of your home with better success.

This course is delivered in both video and written format with downloads (or editable PDFs) to work through. It is delivered on an external website. You would receive a link to the Course, and you would log in to access it. No Facebook distractions! If you have questions, you can post a question into the course community page.

You have as long as you like to complete it. Of course returning to the course regularly will see you get better results, but if life gets in the way, you are able to return to it and complete when things are less hectic.  The course is available to you for as long as WellSorted is in business (which we intend to be around for a while)!

Once you’ve purchased the course, you have access to it for as long as I’m in business! (Which I intend to be for a while yet!) So you can log in and revisit the course as often as you like.

How long it takes to work through the course totally depends on you and how you consume it. Assuming you went through the course from start to finish… and we were rating the time required based on just the video content (watched on normal speed), then there is between 15-20 hours of video. You may like to put it on double speed, or read through the content instead.

If you engaged in the activities within the course as well (the editable documents and downloadables), then you may want to factor in a few more hours. 

The course does not have any live components, it is all online, available for you to watch 24/7, whenever you are available.

All Rights Reserved © 2023 WELLSORTED | ABN: 77 419 068 391

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