In-Home Testimonials
It has been a wonderful experience having your guidance over the past several months, keeping me on track and assisting me to become a generally far more organised and accountable person in my day-to day life.
I’d like to reiterate my thanks for your flexibility in taking on this perhaps unusual role in the first place, and I really appreciate your thoughtful and generous approach in your dealings with me. Your positive influence has quickly helped me lead to a place where I now feel confident about taking control or properly organising my time/life/activities, etc: whatever blockage I’d had there for so long – the thing that initially made me search out someone like yourself – has evidently been lifted, and I am grateful for the role you have played in facilitating this positive change.
R., Watson
Virginia teaches me all (that I need to know to declutter) and is integral to this process. She provides tailored advice to my situation and home, shares lots of hints and tips and tricks, and works hard with me to help me with my large decluttering projects. It is amazing how much can be achieved in a single session with her. Her service is really valuable.
Participating in (the WellSorted Facebook) group, reading Virginia’s blogs and newsletters, and using her two decks of cards is really helpful also.
For me decluttering is a journey, it takes time, it is ever evolving. Progress can be in large chunks or small fine-tuning. Motivation and energy come and go, and it requires maintenance. For me it is also fun and has become a hobby! My home is not perfect and gets messy, but with less stuff and systems in place, it is easy to get back in control. Decluttering has changed my life: a home that has less stuff and is organised is enjoyable, makes life easier and is easy to look after, so that I can spend more time with my family and friends and relaxing.
Belinda, Canberra ACT
Before I decluttered with Virginia, I spent a lot of time looking for things, and replacing items as I couldn’t find the one I knew I had! I also avoided having guests wherever possible. It was like a dead weight and a shameful secret at the same time. I have quite eccentric tastes so that part was a challenge. I worried I was going to throw away something irreplaceable and sentimental. Virginia helped me set up a Memory Box, so I could place special things in there while decluttering. It made me feel much more comfortable about the process.
The house makes much more sense now. Now it is easy to do things and the space feels calm. Cleaning up is easy as there are clear surfaces and proper places for things. Best of all, areas stay clean. No more mail dumped on the table, as I have a proper system in place now for paperwork.
My newfound organisation has meant I get to be there for my daughter’s important events, like school assemblies. I have it all marked out in advance.
Another difference now is that I’m mindful of reducing the amount coming in. I regularly donate clothes which no longer fit and have changed all my bills to electronic formats. My handbag is much less cluttered now that I refuse receipts for small items, like fruit.
Lots less panic and much more fun at home now. I’m really enjoying it. The pressure of clutter wasn’t obvious until it disappeared.
Julia, Canberra ACT
Before I worked with Virginia to declutter, I had this overwhelming, sickening feeling knowing I needed to declutter but not having the skills or knowledge of how to do it. It was always something I put into the “too hard” or “procrastination” baskets but always felt like my life wasn’t in order. It was way too overwhelming for me to tackle the job alone.
Since decluttering with Virginia, I feel rejuvenated and proud and lighter! Organisation is a must in everyone’s life and having someone help me through it together was wonderful and made it less of a burden.
It’s a great feeling to walk into a tidy home knowing where everything is and that drawers and cupboards are not stuffed to overflowing. I now feel I can invite people over and not feel embarrassed or stressed.
Decluttering for me is hard and draining. I don’t want to get back to where I was and now I recognise the need to declutter regularly. I will be calling on Virginia to assist me with decluttering again in the near future!
Karen, Macgregor ACT
Virginia’s manner was professional & personable. She was prompt, well-organised & quietly supportive. She’s a good listener. She is also very authentic, she practices what she preaches!
She offered strategic, thoughtful advice & at the same time was unobtrusive & sensitive to the emotion that was being dredged up by the stuff we were working through. Her services were an excellent investment on solving a problem that has been hanging over my head for several years. I was looking for someone to accompany me & “coach” me through getting rid of superfluous & redundant physical clutter that was having a psychological effect on my mental clarity.
Garage decluttering, feeling free after organising with WellSorted, Canberra
It’s created more physical space in my garage & house as well as “psychological” space. It really felt like a weight had lifted when I got rid of stuff from previous work roles & relationships. I felt like it was a good opportunity to move on & literally leave the past behind. It felt freeing. The sense of relief I feel when I look at the open space the de-cluttering has created is well worth the time and money I invested.
I would recommend Virginia to anyone who:
- needs to get rid of stuff
- needs to declutter & tidy up their physical space or
- can’t get rid of objects that are no longer useful or meaningful
- is a bit of hoarder & doesn’t quite know where to start.
90% of the decluttering was done with Virginia and I did the rest by myself. Being coached through the psychology of decluttering by Virginia gave me the confidence to work out quickly what I wanted to keep and what I didn’t. I’m very grateful to have stumbled across WellSorted and have recommended Virginia to a number of my friends and colleagues already.
Donella Johnston, Ngunnawal ACT
Meeting Virginia from WellSorted was great. I am very excited and finally feel like things are moving in the right direction for me. I had feelings of being overwhelmed with stuff and not knowing where to start. Now, working with you, slowly but steadily, it has been quite empowering! Your tips are great and when I complete my homework it gives me a great sense of accomplishment. I keep telling everyone how great our sessions are and how I love my kitchen so much I could sleep in it…
It is never easy to deal all the stuff in the house which is overwhelming – too much of it! It’s been a long process but having your assistance has been great so far, so thank you so much.
Inna, Canberra ACT
Virginia provided a professional, comprehensive and reliable service that assisted to get back control of my personal life. I very soon developed a solid trust in her and her ability. Nothing is ever too hard and tasks were always completed on time and as discussed. I can’t speak highly enough of WellSorted!
Patrick O’Connor, Canberra ACT
I want to thank you for all your suggestions during our consult about how to use our spaces, and for the suggestion of breaking things down into tasks and their dependencies. I’ve been slowly working on the spare room and whilst there is still some more stuff to sort out, we’ve implemented a lot of your suggested changes and it’s made a really big difference. And all for nix. Amazing! I feel so good about those spaces now. So thank you!
Anne Riesz, Canberra ACT
I’ve used Virginia’s services for personal decluttering around the home. I left Virginia in my bedroom for a day and when I came back it was like being on a TV show where my room was completely transformed! I could not stop smiling and I felt so free and like I could breathe again. It was such a relief and joy to inhabit my space again with all my belongings around me arranged and ordered. If I’m honest I could not have done so myself in that amount of time and with that amount of creativity. Virginia is my magic pixie fairy that I can call upon a couple of times a year to wave her magic wand.
This kind of peace is utterly priceless and I am determined to never fall behind again so I will continue to hire Virginia to handle my business and personal sorting.
Read Smita’s Business Support Testimonial
Smita Patel, Braddon ACT
I needed to work with Virginia to get a fresh view from an outsider on my stuff & to help me break down the barriers that have kept me from doing it on my own. My ‘itch’ to do it wasn’t enough, I needed a nudge from someone else. With Virginia’s consultation, an important barrier to reorganise my photos has crumbled: why not destroy what I spent months on building, to make something better? And with my wardrobe, her insights regarding the circumstances that I bought those precious items are no longer there, which helped me make a bunch of tough decisions. I’d recommend WellSorted to those that have the same ‘I need to do something about my stuff’ itch & women who have a big pile of clothes/things but want more space (and don’t want a bigger home).
Johanna Jansen, Productivity Expert, Trainer and Coach at Time Mine, Canberra, ACT
I don’t think I’m your usual client, a PhD student with a small business and many other projects on the go (like moving overseas!). I knew I needed moral support from a professional as I’d made several attempts to get organised with the help of family and it didn’t work. The relief I felt after working with WellSorted was amazing, I was able to sleep well again. It was a feeling of completing something really big. It was a big milestone in my PhD life to have an organised office. I really liked your approach, calm and non-judgmental, just what I needed to tackle this massive task. You gave me peace of mind. Your help was worth every penny and that’s saying something as my standards for service are really high. I feel so empowered to continue with my other tasks, that I’ve started on them already so I’m moving in the right direction now. I’d happily use you again or refer you onto others.
Sandra J. Velarde, PhD Student & Business Owner, Pablo’s Dogs
Virginia was very clear about what I could expect from her services, which made me confident that she’d provide the assistance I needed to help me part with some of my stuff. She was able to help me understand why I was holding onto certain possessions, & was there to discuss the reasons & feelings associated with my clutter. I benefited from hiring WellSorted as I now feel like my belongings are there because I want them there, NOT because I feel obligated to keep them. My room now reflects my personality & likes better. I’d recommend Virginia to anyone who feels overwhelmed with their stuff & doesn’t know where to start, or, to people wanting to work through the emotional attachment to their things, as Virginia proved to be an excellent guide with this.
Felicity, Public Servant, Braddon ACT
Virginia’s background in psychology really helped me sort out the home of a family member, a “hoarder” and the 29 years of accumulation. Virginia provided professional assistance with sensitivity and a lot of moral support. She was very discreet and kept our family details confidential as requested.
Dr M. (name withheld), North Sydney NSW
After years of battling with depression, struggling to keep on top of things with having kids and going through an ugly marriage break-up, I knew I needed help decluttering. Family have ‘helped’ in the past but their approach was judgemental and ruthless. Over the years, I’ve spent lots of money on therapy, so paying for a service that offered a very practical, hands-on ‘therapy’ was a great investment. Virginia was the right lady for the job, her approach is gentle, and she understands the mental health issues behind my mess. She’s honest, open and approachable and I feel completely safe in her hands. The process was painless, I felt at ease knowing that nothing would be thrown out unless I approved it. I didn’t for a second feel judged or laughed at. Although our work together is not yet over, I’m very happy with the amount of ‘junk’ that has been removed and the biggest benefit so far was having a more organised dining room and hallway for the school holidays when my children stayed with me. This made play time with the children much easier. I would recommend Virginia to anybody disorganised due to mental illness or because they have a busy and chaotic life. I will certainly be recommending her to everybody in the community development and mental health sectors due to her gentle and empathetic approach.
Corinne, Customer Service, Tuggeranong
Virginia has a lovely nature and is a non-judgmental, accepting, gentle and calm presence as you work together to sort through the clutter that is a burden and forever on your to-do-list.
Belinda, ACT
Certainly I’ve progressed immeasurably! I still have several areas that need de-cluttering, but I’m now finding it a bit easier and a lot less overwhelming than before. I’m taking deep breaths before throwing something – rather than the feelings of indecisiveness or anxiety stopping me from doing so.
I’m able to clearly think about what I have, and I’ve found so many things that I want to use now rather than “for good” or for “special occasions” which is so much fun and pleasurable!
Overall, I thought the content was great!
Leith, ACT
Jenny, ACT
The one thing I really loved about your (WellSorted Home) course was that you looked into the subtleties and the nuances of why it is we might do certain things (that stops us decluttering). Why we put decluttering off, why it becomes too overwhelming, and then where to go from there. What I really loved too, is you have a really good understanding about people like me, who might be suffering from a bit of ADHD, or what other idiosyncrasies.
The beautiful thing about you and the course is that you helped me in understanding that this is who I am, how I am as a person, and I don’t have to be too hard on myself…but then try and set up some strategies around that, so you can deal with the stuff when it comes to decluttering.
For me, (The WellSorted Home Course) is a wellbeing course.
Carrie Logan, ACT
Leith, ACT
I liked the various examples of how-to, and what things can look like as we progress through the process (not just insta-perfect), as I’m a long way from having a perfect home. I also loved the range of suggestions of how to move things on, particularly recycling and donation options – I wasn’t aware of many of these so this has been a huge help.
And the templates are great – so I don’t have to do the initial thinking about how to set one up, but can find out what works for me and make changes if I want.
Online Support Testimonials
It has been a wonderful experience having your guidance over the past several months, keeping me on track and assisting me to become a generally far more organised and accountable person in my day-to-day life.
I’d like to reiterate my thanks for your flexibility in taking on this perhaps unusual role in the first place, and I really appreciate your thoughtful and generous approach in your dealings with me. Your positive influence has quickly helped lead me to a place where I now feel confident about taking control of properly organising my time/life/activities, etc; whatever blockage I’d had there for so long – the thing that initially made me search out someone like yourself – has evidently been lifted, and I am grateful for the role you have played in facilitating this positive change
R, Watson ACT
In my early 90’s I found the prospect of de-cluttering without professional assistance too daunting. WellSorted accountability Group Calls was exactly what I needed in motivation. I have worked with WellSorted on a one-to-one basis before (and) it was reassuring to find that this process is quite difficult for a number of people. I enjoyed sharing the process for others. It is good to know that this is a universal human challenge. WellSorted provides professional services in a personalised way.
Audrey Dargan, Group Accountability Sessions Participant
I thought your ‘Just in Case’ blog was really good. I have my big new house now with enough space to keep a lot of these things but the idea of, “Will I find it again?” made me stop and go “Whoa!” Great criteria! Light bulb moment. And several times lately I haven’t found that thing again and bought a new one.
I’m not there yet (I have a big cellar full of muddled last-minute moving day hysteria boxes that still need my attention after two years) but I’m making progress one area at a time, still using your system, and now I have another very powerful question to ask myself. And, for the moment at least, knowing that I have a nicely labelled box of old mismatched luggage/bag straps in a dedicated spot does bring me joy – especially at 8.15 this morning when my daughter couldn’t figure out how to get her violin to school on her bike and I proudly produced some shoulder straps she could click onto her case. Thank you for helping me in this. I’ll never forget the difference you made in Florey when I was beside myself with grief. I’m sure I’ll need you again sometime when I get stuck, but for the moment I’m doing ok. Thanks again for the article.
Name Withheld, Florey ACT
I love the WellSorted group. I feel like I am with my kindred spirits, people who understand that getting your house organised is not always that simple. It’s a place to share ideas, challenges and the wins, no matter how small. Virginia does a great job of being supportive and engages with all the members, sharing helpful suggestions and cheering us on along the way.
Kelly, WellSorted Facebook Group Member
I love delving into the WellSorted information, finding Virginia’s posts and website of great value at this particular point of my life. Her ideas on de-cluttering are not only very helpful & insightful, but delivered in a fun manner, helping me approach my tasks more proactively. Virginia is easy to approach with questions, and her responses are always friendly. She is a great person who believes in her clients and shows appreciation of their situation in all her dealings with them.
Karen, WellSorted Facebook Group Member
Once a very organised Executive Assistant, after years as a carer for a family member, looking after a parent with dementia, and having my own health challenges, I was beyond overwhelmed with To Do lists, paperwork, digital clutter, you name it. Virginia really listened and found great solutions that work for me in my quest to get and stay organised. Thank you Virginia for reducing my workload and stress, I should have called you years ago!
Megan, Regional NSW (Zoom sessions)
Thanks Virginia! I found much to take away from (the online Paperwork) workshop. And it was good to know that I was in company with other normal, intelligent, personable people who can also feel snowed under. Since (the workshop) I have felt inspired to act and found that it has flowed into tackling other tasks that I have been putting off. I particularly liked the discussion about how long to spend on dejunking tasks, and have settled on 10 minutes (with a 60:40 split). In the past, I would have tried setting aside an hour or two at a time – and put it off. Now I am saying, I know I can find 10 minutes every day ( with perhaps a break on the weekend).
(Angela email again to say…) I have rewatched the paperwork workshop and it was brilliant! It is clear you know your stuff so you were also able to impart many additional tips and food for thought.
I’ve now set up my ‘action station’ properly and have started putting all my actions into OmniFocus and am trying to use that more regularly to move through things. I’m going to also try to set up an electronic action station for my emails.
Angela, Sydney
(Before the online accountability sessions) I had piles of paper on and around my desk. I also had non-bedroom stuff making it hard to move in my bedroom! (During the sessions) we found and removed some roadblocks affecting my filing. We made some progress on implementing the WellSorted Action Stations approach to papers. There were also new ideas on how to donate/rehome things during the pandemic when charity doors are shut. It was a positive experience in feeling less isolated in my issues. Other people’s issues were all slightly different to mine but there is an underlying feeling of fellowship and common cause. I would recommend the accountability sessions if you have limited time available and also if you have decluttered before but it starts building up again. Weekly short sessions can help to develop new habits. I liked getting on with (decluttering) with support whenever I needed it, but basically me doing it solo but with training wheels. I liked the feeling of not being alone in my situation.
(I like the feeling of) being on top of my paperwork rather than it being on top of me and knowing I can find things when I need them! This really lessens overall life anxiety. It is not a quick fix. It is an ongoing unraveling and re-knitting of how I live at home and regular checkin is invaluable. So give online group declutter a go!
Anonymous Accountability Sessions Participant
(Before the online Paperwork Workshop) I was pretty discouraged but am now picking up the game again. Whilst I don’t have a permanent stand up active drop down file box, I will go to office works and buy one, but I have found that a a short sided stand up cardboard box is working so far for topics at hand. Also, I have started one for any busy related paper and issues at hand.
My granddaughter helped me set up a folder and file digital system and I am exited that this could potentially free me from so much physical paper. So, Virginia, your course had an impact!!! Thanks for understanding the battle some of us have. I appreciate you running the workshop on paper management.
Martha Vitali, workshop participant
Business Support Testimonials
I was getting very stressed about the level of chaos I was working in & needed help! Since getting Virginia in, I have new systems in place & I now have a decluttered office and mind. When I’m procrastinating or spending far too long thinking about the “big picture”, I try to embody Virginia’s very practical & logical “step by step’ advice & I find this helps me get things done. It was really helpful working with Virginia, who wasn’t afraid to make suggestions or get her hands dirty. It was also very useful to have Virginia hold me accountable throughout the session. I recommend WellSorted to small/micro businesses to assist people often working on their own to streamline their systems that have usually been set up on the run. WellSorted would suit anyone working in chaos or a disorganised state but want to move forward & progress with efficiency. I look forward to being able to have Virginia in on a regular basis to assist myself & my small business.
Katrina, Consultant, Narrabundah ACT
I was sceptical about someone enjoying and being good/efficient at sorting someone else’s stuff. Having Virginia work with me previously though, I knew her quality, compassion and efficiency as well as her being a good listener, so I had no hesitation in paying for her services.
For my business, I had 5+ years of paperwork that I couldn’t bring myself to sort out. I was so overwhelmed at the thought of where to begin with it, that I felt sick to my stomach. Virginia spent hours sorting it all out and I cannot even begin to describe the relief I felt, and tears of gratitude I cried once it was done.
Virginia’s help has gotten my massive backlog of financials up to date and this has improved both my business and personal life manifold. I can now sleep peacefully at night knowing my taxes are up to date and my paperwork is all neat in folders. A dark cloud no longer hangs over my head making me feel guilty about things that need sorting. I can now relax and enjoy my time and energy on other things. I would recommend WellSorted to small business owners, my accountant and book keeper and any clients that express overwhelm that involves needing to get things in order. I found the services huge value for money especially when compared to how much time I would have spent doing it!
Read Smita’s testimonial relating to her home.
Smita Patel, Braddon ACT
I knew my current filing system of chucking things into a box was no longer working, and I knew I needed some outside help to organise me and my boxes of stuff. I hesitated getting someone in initially as it’s scary wondering how long it will take them and how much it would cost! After getting Virginia in, I can now find everything when I need it. My personal paperwork, and filing for 2 businesses have been organised logically, and I now have no trouble finding what I need, when I need it! I’d recommend WellSorted to those who are too busy and putting off all their organising. I found the service great value for money and it didn’t take as long as I’d expected.
Mr McDonald, Business Owner, Watson ACT