Do you set decluttering reminders but simply press ‘dismiss’ when it pops up? Do you set yourself a reminder at all? You might have been trying to declutter your home for ages now, and it always seems to get put to one side. In this blog post I hope to help you bring more consistency to your decluttering efforts.
Start with your vision then be consistent
Before you open that first cupboard or tip out that first box, you know that I always recommend that you start with being clear on your vision for your home. With a vision, you’re more likely to be motivated to declutter and have a greater chance of bringing more consistency to your decluttering efforts.
It isn’t about motivation…
It isn’t just about motivation, however. I often hear that you intend to declutter, but there’s never enough time, or something else is getting in the way. It’s true for so many aspects of our lives, isn’t it? Exercise and health, cooking a certain way, seeing friends or family, finishing a craft project, starting a new hobby. We want to improve this or that area of our life; yet it just never seems to happen! Why?
It is about time management…
It is also about time management. I wouldn’t be telling you anything new if I said, “If it’s a priority, you’ll schedule some time in your calendar to declutter”. To bring some consistency to your decluttering efforts, it’s key to make it a priority and have regular time aside. Check out your diary weekly and see where it will fit into your week. This will make you more consistent and regular with your decluttering.
Even if you have a vision in mind, your goal, you’re not going to achieve it, if you don’t prioritise it and put time aside. Just like you won’t win the lottery if you don’t buy a lottery ticket.
If you need help working out what a reasonable timeframe is for you and how to split the time up so that you get results, these two earlier blog posts will help.
The simple answer is to set some time aside each day, week or month to declutter and organise your home. Put it in the diary or your phone. Dedicating time to this priority will see it get done. In this simple reality I’ve painted, you wouldn’t press dismiss when it pops up on your phone.
The simple answer is to set some time aside each day, week or month to declutter and organise your home. Put decluttering reminders in your diary or phone. Dedicating time to this priority will see it gets done.
It is OK to press ‘dismiss’, but…
Ok, so the solution is simple – but that’s easier said than done, right? So, press dismiss!
If you have tried this and your home is still a mess, then there might be more at play for you. Go ahead and pencil your declutter session into your diary anyway. When the reminder goes off on Saturday morning and reminds you that you set aside this half an hour to declutter, press ‘dismiss’. Go ahead.
Observe your thoughts
BUT, what I want you to observe are the thoughts that come up with the decluttering reminder. Did you have thoughts saying, “I’m too tired”, “I’d prefer to relax on the couch with a book”, “I don’t know where to start”, “I hate it”, “What’s the point? When I do it, it never gets better”. Observing these thoughts will give you some very useful insights into what’s blocking you from getting your groove on. They will give you clues you need to move on. It will help you understand what mental shifts you need to make, what help you might need and, certainly, what’s holding you back. It might be a different thought each time because the items you intended to declutter are different, or you are more tired one week. Either way, give close attention to what arises in your mind.
Make some time
Maybe it is a lack of time – so can you get some help? Can you really afford not to put time towards it? Often decluttering gives you time back into your day. So, if consistency is what you want, get decluttering into your diary this week. If you choose to press dismiss when the reminder pops up, observe the thoughts that arise. There is knowledge in those thoughts that will serve you well. Once you’ve dismissed your decluttering reminders a few times – with awareness – you might find that your decluttering efforts are more consistent because you have found solutions for the blocks you have uncovered.
What’s stopping you from prioritising decluttering? What thoughts come up when your decluttering reminders go off? Share your experience in the WellSorted Facebook group if you like.